Ancient China: Treasures of the Middle Kingdom

Ancient China: Treasures of the Middle Kingdom (2070BCE - 907CE)


      Step into the world of Ancient China with our collection of genuine artifacts. Experience the grandeur of a civilization that gave us the Great Wall, the compass, and the wisdom of Confucius.

      Ancient China - a civilization that blossomed along the banks of the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers, leaving behind a legacy of philosophy, art, and innovation that continues to influence the world today.

      Key Contributions:

      • Great Wall: One of the most iconic landmarks in the world, the Great Wall was built to protect China from northern invasions.
      • Inventions: Ancient China was a hub of innovation, giving the world inventions like paper, the compass, and gunpowder.
      • Philosophy: The teachings of Confucius, Laozi, and other philosophers have shaped Chinese culture and have had a global impact.
      • Art and Calligraphy: Chinese art, especially calligraphy and painting, has a long and revered tradition, influencing artistic endeavors across East Asia.

      Regions: Ancient China was primarily concentrated in:

      • Yellow River Valley: The cradle of Chinese civilization, home to early dynasties like the Shang and Zhou.
      • Yangtze River Valley: Another vital region, known for its fertile lands and the development of early Chinese states.
      • Northern and Western Frontiers: Areas that were often in contact with nomadic tribes, influencing Chinese military and trade strategies.

      Valued Materials: The Chinese, with their rich cultural and spiritual traditions, cherished various materials:

      • Jade: Considered the "stone of heaven," it was used extensively in jewelry, ceremonial objects, and art.
      • Silk: A symbol of luxury and elegance, silk was a major export and a sign of high social status.
      • Bronze: Employed in ritual vessels, weapons, and art, bronze was a material of great significance.
      • Porcelain: Known as "china" in the West, Chinese porcelain has been highly prized for its quality and artistry.

      Relevant Time Periods: The history of Ancient China spans several millennia, marked by a series of dynasties and historical epochs:

      • Xia and Shang Dynasties (c. 2070–1046 BC): Among the earliest Chinese dynasties, known for their bronze work and oracle bones.
      • Zhou Dynasty (c. 1046–256 BC): A period of philosophical flowering and the compilation of classics like the 'I Ching.'
      • Qin and Han Dynasties (c. 221 BC–220 AD): Marked by the unification of China under Emperor Qin Shi Huang and the flourishing of the Han Dynasty.
      • Three Kingdoms to Tang Dynasty (c. 220–907 AD): A period of division and reunification, marked by cultural achievements like the spread of Buddhism.

      Step into our curated collection of Ancient Chinese artifacts, each echoing tales of emperors, philosophers, and artisans. From jade carvings to silk scrolls, immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of a civilization that has shaped the course of human history.

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