Ancient Inscriptions: Messages to the Gods from the Past

      19 products

      Exclusive Collectibles' "Ancient Inscriptions" collection offers a unique glimpse into the past, where inscriptions were a primary form of communication and record-keeping. From Mesopotamian seals to Roman intaglios, each item tells a story of the culture and time it represents.

      Cultural Diversity:

      • The collection includes inscriptions from Mesopotamia, Persia, Sasanian Empire, Ancient Greece, Parthian Empire, and Ancient Rome. Each culture had its unique style and purpose for inscriptions, reflecting their societal values and beliefs.

      Types of Inscriptions and Seals:

      • Featured items range from carved cylinder seals to gold and silver rings with intaglios. These inscriptions served various purposes, from signifying ownership and authority to being used for ceremonial or religious purposes.

      Method of Creation and Purpose:

      • Ancient inscriptions were often carved into durable materials like stone, metal, or gemstones. They were used for recording events, conveying royal decrees, sealing documents, and as talismans for protection or good luck.

      Certificates of Authenticity and Provenance:

      • Each piece in the collection comes with a certificate of authenticity, often from recognized institutions or experts in the field. The provenance of these items adds to their historical significance, with some being part of renowned collections or previously held by notable figures.

      The "Ancient Inscriptions" collection at Exclusive Collectibles is a treasure trove for history buffs and collectors. These artifacts provide a tangible connection to the past, each with its unique story and significance, authenticated for genuine historical value.

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