Fundació Catalana per a l'Arqueología Ibérica in Catalonia, Spain

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      The Fundació Catalana per a l'Arqueologia Ibèrica (Catalan Foundation for Iberian Archaeology) in Catalonia, Spain, is a significant institution dedicated to the preservation, exhibition, and study of Catalan and Iberian archaeology. Here's a detailed description based on the information gathered:

      1. Foundation and Objective:

        • Established in the year 2000 through foundational contributions by Àngel Segarra i Ferre and Àngel Segarra i Associats, S.L., the foundation aims to protect, disseminate, and study Catalan archaeology, particularly focusing on Iberian culture​​.

      2. Location and Oversight:

        • The foundation is located in Figuerola del Camp, Catalonia, and operates under the protectorate of the Generalitat de Catalunya, emphasizing its official recognition and oversight within the region​​.

      3. Collections and Exhibitions:

        • The Museu d'Arqueologia Ibèrica de Figuerola del Camp, managed by the foundation, houses valuable historical and artistic pieces from various epochs. The collections span from prehistoric archaeological artifacts to Iberian culture artifacts, showcasing a rich tapestry of the region's history and heritage​.
        • In addition, the museum displays influences from Greek, Phoenician, Egyptian, and Asian cultures, along with Roman, Romanesque, Gothic art, and Catalan ceramics, providing a comprehensive view of the intercultural exchanges and developments over the centuries​​.

      4. Reputation and Engagement:

        • The official oversight by the Generalitat de Catalunya and the breadth of the collections suggest a reputable standing within the archaeological and cultural communities of Catalonia.

      5. Specialty Areas:

        • The foundation and its museum specialize in Iberian archaeology and also delve into broader Catalan archaeology, displaying a wide range of artifacts from different cultures and historical periods.

      The Fundació Catalana per a l'Arqueologia Ibèrica plays a crucial role in preserving and promoting the rich archaeological heritage of Catalonia, with a particular emphasis on Iberian culture. Through its museum in Figuerola del Camp, the foundation offers a window into the diverse historical and cultural interactions that have shaped the region over millennia.